Together, we secure futures.
86% of businesses with fewer than 500 employees do not offer a 401(k) or other retirement plan. Let’s change that.
We partner with businesses and organizations that understand the importance of financial wellness, while delivering greater value to their clients. Partners may join Create My Wealth and receive personalized support and access to simple, affordable retirement plans designed to fit the needs of small and medium-sized businesses.
Financial Advisors
Financial Advisors across the country work with Crate My Wealth to deliver intuitive, customized retirement plans that come with an easy-to-use interface as well as separate dashboards for advisors, employers, and employees. Create an investment lineup from almost any mutual fund or low-cost index fund available on the open market, or participants can select from individualized model portfolios.
Accounting Professionals
Business owners entrust accounting professionals with their financial futures. Human Interest's fully automated platform helps owners and employees invest in the future without adding burden or cumbersome administration. The new SECURE Act has expanded tax incentives for businesses who offer a 401(k). Accounting professionals throughout the country are partnering with Human Interest to help clients reach financial security in retirement.